Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Steve P.

Steve P.

My name is Steve and I am a Second Degree Oom Yung Doe Instructor. I trained in Oom Yung Doe from the age of 28 until I was roughly 35 years old. I left school to focus on other things and pursue a number of personal goals. I am now 43 years old and returned to training this past September. I can't even begin to explain how happy I am that I did. Training was always a source of strength, confidence and great health for me. However, the level of knowledge that is now being passed by Grandmaster is astounding compared to before. I am 100% certain that it will not only expedite my ability to regain what I once had from training but, it will also help me quickly move far beyond where I was mentally, physically and spiritually back then.

When I was 21 years of age I was in a very bad car accident. The vehicle I was driving was sandwiched between a car and a van almost simultaneously and I then crashed into a telephone pole head-on. The driver of the car that struck me blew through a STOP sign at about 35 miles per hour while she was looking for a contact lens in her vehicle. I was not wearing a seat belt and my car was totaled. At the age of 21 a man feels invincible and that, coupled with some bad medical advice had me in a back brace and back to work the day after the accident. I was told by doctors at the time that I had "sprained" my back and the brace would help. The brace only made things worse and for nearly a year I walked crooked. I have lost count of the number of times in the past two decades when I have re-injured my back, been unable to walk upright or been hospitalized with serious back problems. I have also seen every type of "expert" and tried every type of "treatment" without real success in terms of truly correcting the problems.

Now that I am 43 years old, the injuries I sustained back then have begun to catch up with me and affect my health and my life very negatively. I recently signed up for the Back Program at the Natick School and after only one month into the program, I just know wholeheartedly that, in time, the issues I have had with my back will be resolved once and for all. Presently, I am practicing a special series of about six movements about five times per week. The series of movements was designed specifically for me by the International Team based on detailed information I provided them about my condition. After only about one month's time, I can already tell that the movements are exactly what I need. I am experiencing the strengthening and re-alignment of some of the injured areas as well as some pretty amazing and powerful flows of energy and heat throughout the injured areas that I have never felt before. I can tell things are healing. I am certain that the Back Program is exactly what I need to correct my major body problems once and for all so that I can move forward in my training. For me, it's like taking two steps back in order to take five leaps forward later on. It is a very worthwhile investment. Without our health we have nothing.

Steve P. Moo Doe Conditioning Program Testimonial (PDF)

New England Schools of Oom Yung Doe

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