Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tom G.

The Moo Doe Program for my neck and back has completely reduced the discomfort I was having in my lower right back at the edge of the ribs. The tightness I had across my lower back has decreased. The most notable change has been in my neck. During a recent Gom practice my neck all of a sudden loosened up and within 3 days came into balance left to right. I attribute this sudden change to the weekly practice of the neck and back Moo Doe Program movements over the last four months.
Tom G., age 44, software engineer
Pacific Northwest Schools of Oom Yung Doe
Wisconsin Schools of Oom Yung Doe

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Martha M.

Three weeks ago I started my program for my shoulder and upper back and neck pain. All my life I have had problems with my posture. Because of it I have lived with constant pain in my upper back and neck. Then in September 2008 such acute pain started in my left shoulder that the discomfort disrupted my job and my ability to practice Oom Yung Doe. I could barely write on the white board and needed my students to help me. I sought hot packs, ice packs, acupuncture, deep message and medical help where my orthopedic surgeon prescribed extensive physical therapy. When he displayed my x-rays I could see the bony hook that had developed on my rotator cuff due to arthritis. My Doctor told me that eventually people like me have surgery to shave down the bone.

I decided to invest in the program. The first few times I practiced the exercises they kicked the wind out of me. I felt completely drained, exhausted and I would shiver with chills. Then after a few days practicing the movements released a surge of sobbing emotion that seemed to spew from my shoulders, neck and upper back.

I continued to practice and the movements either made me feel exhausted or make me sob. I cried either because of the emotional release or because the exercises had made my body feel unbelievably relaxed and comfortable. Feeling good was unfamiliar. It was like I had been in a prison my entire life and let loose without twenty dollars to find a room, meet my probations officer and start a new life.

My very chains and I grew friends,
So much a long communion tends
To make us what we are: - even I
Regain'd my freedom with a sigh.)

Now after three weeks of practicing these movements every morning I go for many hours with comfort. I have had to face some challenging situations this last week and I was able to do so without my neck and upper back developing a crippling spasm. I am now writing on the white board in the classroom again and I look forward to being able to practice movements in Oom Yung Doe that I have avoided for the last six months.

Martha, Age: 48, Occupation: Math teacher

Martha M. Moo Doe Conditioning Program Testimonial (PDF)

New England Schools of Oom Yung Doe

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Steve P.

Steve P.

My name is Steve and I am a Second Degree Oom Yung Doe Instructor. I trained in Oom Yung Doe from the age of 28 until I was roughly 35 years old. I left school to focus on other things and pursue a number of personal goals. I am now 43 years old and returned to training this past September. I can't even begin to explain how happy I am that I did. Training was always a source of strength, confidence and great health for me. However, the level of knowledge that is now being passed by Grandmaster is astounding compared to before. I am 100% certain that it will not only expedite my ability to regain what I once had from training but, it will also help me quickly move far beyond where I was mentally, physically and spiritually back then.

When I was 21 years of age I was in a very bad car accident. The vehicle I was driving was sandwiched between a car and a van almost simultaneously and I then crashed into a telephone pole head-on. The driver of the car that struck me blew through a STOP sign at about 35 miles per hour while she was looking for a contact lens in her vehicle. I was not wearing a seat belt and my car was totaled. At the age of 21 a man feels invincible and that, coupled with some bad medical advice had me in a back brace and back to work the day after the accident. I was told by doctors at the time that I had "sprained" my back and the brace would help. The brace only made things worse and for nearly a year I walked crooked. I have lost count of the number of times in the past two decades when I have re-injured my back, been unable to walk upright or been hospitalized with serious back problems. I have also seen every type of "expert" and tried every type of "treatment" without real success in terms of truly correcting the problems.

Now that I am 43 years old, the injuries I sustained back then have begun to catch up with me and affect my health and my life very negatively. I recently signed up for the Back Program at the Natick School and after only one month into the program, I just know wholeheartedly that, in time, the issues I have had with my back will be resolved once and for all. Presently, I am practicing a special series of about six movements about five times per week. The series of movements was designed specifically for me by the International Team based on detailed information I provided them about my condition. After only about one month's time, I can already tell that the movements are exactly what I need. I am experiencing the strengthening and re-alignment of some of the injured areas as well as some pretty amazing and powerful flows of energy and heat throughout the injured areas that I have never felt before. I can tell things are healing. I am certain that the Back Program is exactly what I need to correct my major body problems once and for all so that I can move forward in my training. For me, it's like taking two steps back in order to take five leaps forward later on. It is a very worthwhile investment. Without our health we have nothing.

Steve P. Moo Doe Conditioning Program Testimonial (PDF)

New England Schools of Oom Yung Doe