Three weeks ago I started my program for my shoulder and upper back and neck pain. All my life I have had problems with my posture. Because of it I have lived with constant pain in my upper back and neck. Then in September 2008 such acute pain started in my left shoulder that the discomfort disrupted my job and my ability to practice Oom Yung Doe. I could barely write on the white board and needed my students to help me. I sought hot packs, ice packs, acupuncture, deep message and medical help where my orthopedic surgeon prescribed extensive physical therapy. When he displayed my x-rays I could see the bony hook that had developed on my rotator cuff due to arthritis. My Doctor told me that eventually people like me have surgery to shave down the bone.
I decided to invest in the program. The first few times I practiced the exercises they kicked the wind out of me. I felt completely drained, exhausted and I would shiver with chills. Then after a few days practicing the movements released a surge of sobbing emotion that seemed to spew from my shoulders, neck and upper back.
I continued to practice and the movements either made me feel exhausted or make me sob. I cried either because of the emotional release or because the exercises had made my body feel unbelievably relaxed and comfortable. Feeling good was unfamiliar. It was like I had been in a prison my entire life and let loose without twenty dollars to find a room, meet my probations officer and start a new life.
My very chains and I grew friends,
So much a long communion tends
To make us what we are: - even I
Regain'd my freedom with a sigh.)
Now after three weeks of practicing these movements every morning I go for many hours with comfort. I have had to face some challenging situations this last week and I was able to do so without my neck and upper back developing a crippling spasm. I am now writing on the white board in the classroom again and I look forward to being able to practice movements in Oom Yung Doe that I have avoided for the last six months.
Martha, Age: 48, Occupation: Math teacher
Martha M. Moo Doe Conditioning Program Testimonial (PDF)
New England Schools of Oom Yung Doe
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